

Empowering Civil Society Organizations and Communities in Bangladesh

Wetlands International South Asia along with partner organizations, Akvo and IRC conducted a series of workshops for various stakeholders, from 25th to 29th February 2020, […]


Management of the Commons: building dialogues over water and governance

Common Property Resources form an integral component of rural way of life in India. Comprising of natural resources like wetlands, forests, pasturelands etc., these systems […]


Management of the Commons: building dialogue over water and governance

Wetlands International South Asia in collaboration with Unnati, Gujarat, conducted a five-day awareness campaign, from 9th-14th December, on revival and management of the Common property […]


Launch of a new initiative on Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

2015 was a landmark year wherein several major global frameworks, notably the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction recognized the role of ecosystems as key […]


How to submit your Luc Hoffmann Medal nomination in 4 simple steps

So, you know a Wetland Champion who has shown outstanding leadership in wetland science, conservation or awareness raising? And you’d like to nominate them for […]

Biorights in Theory and Practice: A financing mechanism for linking poverty alleviation and environmental conservation

Bio-rights is an innovative financing mechanism for reconciling poverty alleviation and environmental conservation. By providing micro-credits for sustainable development, the approach enables local communities to […]