

Cross-country exchange of experiences in using ecosystem based approaches for reducing disaster risk

In a new collaboration under the Partners for Resilience (PfR) programme, six delegations from South Sudan visited the Indian PfR sites for a week-long knowledge […]


Meeting held with Chilika Development Authority scientists to discuss Chilika management plan upgradation

In 2002, Chilika Lagoon became the first Asian Ramsar Site to be delisted from Montreux Record, following a successful hydrological restoration and basin-scale management interventions, […]


Work under Partners for Resilience in Odisha selected as one among the best practices in Asia

Under the programme, Partners for Resilience (PfR) led by Wetlands International South Asia, a case study on sustainable community-based disaster risk management - Responding to emergencies, A PfR perspective - was selected as one among the best practices in Asia by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC). This case was submitted under the programme Institutionalizing Sustainable Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM).

Wetlands and Climate Change Adaptation – Brochure

This 6-page brochure demonstrates how wetlands in a healthy, intact condition can greatly contribute to attenuate the water related impacts of climate change. Due to their […]


Call for mainstreaming wetlands in urban planning

To mark World Wetlands Day, we held a seminar on “Wetlands for a sustainable urban future” at India International Centre, New Delhi. The aim of […]


How to submit your Luc Hoffmann Medal nomination in 4 simple steps

So, you know a Wetland Champion who has shown outstanding leadership in wetland science, conservation or awareness raising? And you’d like to nominate them for […]


Chilika Newsletter Series

“CHILIKA” is the jointly published newsletter of the Chilika Development Authority and Wetlands International South Asia


Sarovar Newsletter Series

Sarovar is the newsletter of Wetlands International South Asia (Regd.)


A Landscape Approach for Disaster Risk Reduction in 7 Steps

The use of a landscape approach, although not new, is gaining prominence as an approach to effectively reduce disaster risk, adapt to climate change and enhance […]


Partners for Resilience in India

Building community resilience in Bihar and Odisha