Asian Waterbird Census 2021 in the News!
Asian Waterbird Census
The Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) is part of the global International Waterbird Census (IWC) initiative. This programme supports the conservation and management of wetlands and waterbirds worldwide. Like every year, the Asian Waterbird Census in India saw participation of hundreds of birders from across the region from 2-17 January 2021.
The AWC is the longest-running citizen science initiative coordinated by Wetlands International South Asia and Bombay Natural History Society in India. Under this initiative, systematic counting and monitoring of waterbirds is undertaken to study trends and condition of wetlands, covering hundreds of sites. Biodiversity conservation is integral to wetlands wise use and management. The analysis of trends and status of wetlands and the biodiversity that they support help in the development of responsive management plans. The recent outbreak of bird flu has been a matter of concern to conservationists and ornithologists, and it is expected that the findings of this year’s census will shed light on the impact of the outbreak on the waterbirds of this region.
The press coverage from different states across India has been listed below:
NCR of Delhi
Gautam Budh Nagar
NCT – Delhi
Uttar Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Press clippings from across the country can be found here.