Strategy 2015-2025
Annual review
The work of Wetlands International South Asia is guided by a regional strategy which sets out the organizational priorities and regional targets for the period 2015-2025.
Our strategic focus is encapsulated around following four interdependent and overlapping work streams:
Healthy wetland nature aimed at promoting conservation and wise of wetlands and achieving cross-sectoral action for wetland conservation, with alacrity and at a scale needed to redress the loss and degradation of wetlands
Vibrant coasts and deltas aimed at sustaining wetlands along rapidly developing coasts, and ensuring that communities are buffered from the vulnerabilities induced by changing climate.
Replenished water stores aimed at aligning policies across multiple sectors to transform the way water risks are managed in the landscape, including the improved management and restoration of wetlands as networks of natural infrastructure.
Peatland treasures safeguarded and restored aimed at establishing the policy, practice and investment means to protect remaining intact peatlands.
The strategy recognizes that achieving the set objectives requires collective action with a range of stakeholders and actors and sets out the following pathways for synergistic working for the network.