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Become a Member of Wetlands International South Asia

Wetlands – why do they matter?

Wetlands are transitional lands at the interface of land and water, where water table is usually at or near surface, or land is covered by shallow water permanently or seasonally. It is a generic term of a number of aquatic ecosystems such as lakes, floodplains, estuaries, marshes, swamps, fens, bogs, tidal flats, mangroves, sea-grasses beds and coral reefs. These ecosystems are vital parts of hydrological cycle, highly productive and support rich biodiversity. Wetlands are sources of water, act as flood and storm buffers, provide wide range of plants, animal and mineral products, are habitats for migratory birds  and hotspots of biodiversity. They provide excellent opportunities for education and research on aquatic ecosystems.

Despite their wide-ranging values and benefits, wetlands are also one of the most rapidly degrading ecosystems on earth. As wetlands are lost, valuable benefits that these ecosystems provide to society are also lost, threatening  habitats of  number of wetland-dependent species. Halting and reversing wetlands degradation and loss is an effective way to make the society resilient and water, food and climate secure.

Why become a member?

Membership of Wetlands International South Asia gives you the following benefits:

  • Electronic copy of newsletter ‘Sarovar’- published biennially on a specific topic related to wetlands in South Asia
  • Access to electronic databases on wetlands available with the organization
  • Access to expert advice on wetlands conservation and information on major developments in the sector
  • Opportunity to participate in policy dialogues and lend voice to specific issues of wetland degradation in this region and how to solve them collectively
  • Opportunity to contribute to development and implementation of interventions which are necessary for their upkeep

Who can be a member?

  • Students (pursuing graduate degree and above) in any discipline and interested to promote wetlands conservation
  • Individuals interested in safeguarding and restoring wetlands
  • Experts engaged in policy or programing aspects of wetlands, and willing to champion the cause of wetland conservation
  • NGOs and research organizations working on programmes relevant to wetland degradation and their conservation

Membership Categories

  • Student members
  • General members
  • Nominated members (only by invitation)
  • Institutional members

Membership Dues

Membership Type Membership Fee
Student Members (valid for maximum of five years subject to student status) ₹ 500 per annum
General Members
a) From South Asian Countries ₹ 1,000 per annum
b) Other than South Asian Countries ₹ 5,000 per annum
Nominated Members (upon invitation) No fee
Life Members ₹ 20,000 Payable one-time
Institutional Members
a) Non-profit ₹ 10,000 per annum
b) Others ₹ 20,000 per annum


How to become a member

Interested individuals or institutions can download and fill up the membership forms from the links below and email their applications to [email protected]

For Individuals:


For Institutions:


All membership applications are subject to review and approval by Governing Body, which also allocates a membership category.

Upon membership decision, you will receive an email with annual dues to be paid. Membership will be confirmed after payment of annual dues.

Membership dues are paid annually (with the exception of Lifetime Members) on a calendar year basis. New members joining October 1 – December 31 will retain membership till December 31 of the following year.

For more information, download our Membership Brochure from this link.


Director, Wetlands International South Asia

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +91 11 24338906