

….And we moved to a new office !

It is often said that a new workplace brings with it new energy, more enthusiasm, and most of all, greater responsibility. There is nothing better […]


Assessment of Ottu Lake as a potential Ramsar site in Sirsa, Haryana

Wetlands International South Asia is a knowledge partner with the State Wetlands Authority across the country on matters concerning the conservation and management of wetlands. […]


Gobind Sagar Lake Pushes for Integrated Management Planning for Conservation and Wise-use of Migratory Birds Habitats

The Central Asian Flyway (CAF) is one among the nine flyways in the world. Some of the major traditional wintering grounds and stopover sites for […]


‘Disaster risk assessment should be a part of wetlands management’

A global webinar on Wetlands and Disaster Risk Reduction was organised on December 15, 2022 with a special focus on the Asia Pacific region by […]


Conference on ‘Youth for adaptation and loss and damage’ in Nadiad, Gujarat



Workshop in Bhubaneswar to promote Eco-DRR in the developmental agenda of Panchayats and local self-governments

Stakeholders concur on the need for community-based wetlands management and ecosystem-based approaches (EbA) for making communities and panchayats resilient towards climate and disaster risks. Integrating […]


Assessment of glacial lake outburst flood presented at the International Ground Water Conference, 2022, IIT Roorkee

(Participants at the 9th International Ground Water Conference, 2022 at IIT Roorkee ) Holding the world’s third largest amount of glacier ice after Antarctica and […]


COP14 | Contracting Parties from South Asia concur establishing a Regional Initiative for wetlands conservation and wise use in South Asia

The 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP14) is taking place in Wuhan, China, at East […]


Threats and solutions to Delhi wetlands discussed with Wetland Mitras

A team of experts from Wetlands International South Asia, delivered a talk on capacity building of Wetland Mitras in a workshop conducted by Wetland Authority […]


Find Wetlands International South Asia at 14th Ramsar Conference of Parties convened at Geneva

The 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP14) will take place in a hybrid format in […]