

Celebrating India’s Independence Day

On August 15, 2018, Wetlands International South Asia celebrated India’s 72nd Independence Day. A flag unfurling ceremony was held at the office in presence of the […]


Cross-country exchange of experiences in using ecosystem based approaches for reducing disaster risk

In a new collaboration under the Partners for Resilience (PfR) programme, six delegations from South Sudan visited the Indian PfR sites for a week-long knowledge […]


PfR at the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) 2018

The Partners for Resilience Asia Team participated in the AMCDRR held during July 3-6, 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. PfR Philippines, Indonesia and India as part of the PfR […]


Strengthening management of wetlands in South Asia region: building a collaborative programme between Wetlands International South Asia and International Lake Environment Committee, Japan

Water, food and climate security of South Asia region is inextricably linked with its diverse wetland regime. However, the region’s complex development dynamics, coupled with […]


Meeting held with Chilika Development Authority scientists to discuss Chilika management plan upgradation

In 2002, Chilika Lagoon became the first Asian Ramsar Site to be delisted from Montreux Record, following a successful hydrological restoration and basin-scale management interventions, […]


Work under Partners for Resilience in Odisha selected as one among the best practices in Asia

Under the programme, Partners for Resilience (PfR) led by Wetlands International South Asia, a case study on sustainable community-based disaster risk management - Responding to emergencies, A PfR perspective - was selected as one among the best practices in Asia by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC). This case was submitted under the programme Institutionalizing Sustainable Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM).


Chilika is now the single largest habitat for Irrawaddy Dolphins in the world

Chilika, one of the first two wetlands to be designated as Ramsar Sites in India, has the unique distinction of having a resident population of […]


Dr. Dhrubjyoti Ghosh, a noted wetland champion passed away

Wetlands International South Asia is deeply grieved and saddened at the untimely demise of Dr. Dhrubjyoti Ghosh, a founder member of the Society. Dr. Ghosh […]


Call for mainstreaming wetlands in urban planning

To mark World Wetlands Day, we held a seminar on “Wetlands for a sustainable urban future” at India International Centre, New Delhi. The aim of […]


Calendar 2018 dedicated to Ramsar Sites of India

We published the 2018 calendar on ‘Ramsar Sites of India’. India as a Contracting party to the Ramsar Convention has designated 26 wetlands of international […]