Wetlands International South Asia, in collaboration with the Bombay Natural History Society and the Wetlands International Global Office, convened Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) State Coordinators meeting at Lonavala, Maharashtra during November 23-24, 2019. The meeting aimed at reviewing of work done till date and identifying measures required for improvising processes of data collection, analysis & management. The meeting saw participation of coordinators from 14 states, who shared their learnings and vision. Highlight of the meeting was the launch of decadal report (2006-2015) on waterbird counts for India. Discussions were also held on opportunities for strengthening use of AWC results by government, institutional and other stakeholders to support implementation of national biodiversity action plan and local site-based wetland conservation action (at Ramsar sites, Flyway network sites and others).

Participants deliberating on strengthening AWC program in India (Photo: Gokul Krishnan)