‘Look beyond Green, recognize ecosystems such as Wetlands’

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On World Environment Day, it is noteworthy to recognize India’s commitment to wetland conservation. The number of Ramsar sites, the wetlands of international importance has increased to an impressive 75, which makes India home to the second largest network in Asia highlighting its dedication to preserving these crucial ecosystems. The launch of a dedicated initiative ‘Amrit Dharohar’ is expected to provide the necessary technical, institutional and financial wherewithals for effective management and monitoring of Ramsar Sites.

Dr Ritesh Kumar, Director, Wetlands International South Asia in an interview to Doordarshan India news channel in a special programme titled ‘India’s Environment journey’ said “Environment has usually been understood and associated with green. It is time to look beyond green. It is time to recognize ecosystems such as wetlands and the vital role they play in sustaining human life and biological diversity. As societal assets, wetlands conservation can only be delivered in partnership and collective effort of the entire society”

Link to the Full programme aired on DD India https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK4otRT8moI