Innovative 3D Model-Making Competition Highlights the Role of Wetlands

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In an engaging event to foster wetland awareness among students, a 3D Model-Making Competition on wetland catchment was hosted on May 17, 2024.

The competition, organized by Wetlands International South Asia in collaboration with India Water Partnership and DPS RK Puram, saw the enthusiastic participation of 21 students. The event focused on two key themes: “The Role of Wetlands in the Water Cycle” and “The Role of Wetlands in Addressing Water Challenges” such as mitigating drought, acting as flood buffers, recharging groundwater, ensuring water supply, and regulating coastal areas.

Participants were encouraged to use biodegradable and recyclable materials for their models, aligning with the event’s commitment to sustainability. Of the 21 students, 9 were shortlisted by an esteemed panel of teachers for their innovative and insightful representations.

Evaluation done on the wetland model by the judges


 After careful deliberation, four models were awarded as winners for their exceptional demonstration of wetland ecosystems and their critical functions in water management. The winning models highlighted how wetlands serve as natural solutions for water-related challenges, showcasing practical approaches to wetland conservation.

Winning 3D Model on wetland catchment


This hands-on competition deepened the students’ understanding of wetland ecosystems and empowered them to become active guardians of the environment. Through such engaging and educational activities, the event raised awareness about the indispensable role wetlands play in preserving vital ecosystems and ensuring water security for the future.

The winners of the competition are:

Katayayani (VIII E)

Meha Singh (VIII J)

Avyukt Mittal (VIII H)               

Jasnoor (VIII C)