Celebrating Wetlands: Insights from the 1st WLI Asia-Oceania Conference

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The 1st Wetland Link International Asia-Oceania Conference was hosted by the Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation and Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia (RRC-EA) at Waters Edge Hotel and Diyasaru Park in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from June 17 to 21,2024.

Wetland Link International (WLI), established in 1991 by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT), is officially recognized by the Ramsar Convention on wetlands. The global conference highlighted the essential role of wetland centers worldwide and provided a vital platform for enhancing communication, capacity building, education, participation, and awareness (CEPA) efforts across wetland sites. The conference also commemorated the 10th anniversary of Diyasaru Wetland Park, adding significance to the occasion.

The distinguished Prime Minister of Sri Lanka accompanied by the Environment Minister attended the opening day of the Conference


The conference brought together members of WLI Asia-Oceania, including managers and stakeholders from wetland centers across 15 countries in Asia and Oceania. During the meeting, Arghya Chakrabarty (Technical Officer) representing Wetlands International South Asia, played a key role in engaging with wetland park managers. He shared initiatives from India, such as establishing wetland interpretation centers, integrating wetland education into formal curricula, and implementing citizen science programs to raise awareness and advance conservation efforts.

He also discussed plans to expand India’s network of wetland parks, underscoring their potential to contribute significantly to wetland conservation goals and public awareness of wetland ecosystems. His insights provided valuable perspectives on promoting sustainable practices and strengthening regional collaborative initiatives.

Embarking on the Seethawaka Odyssey Train to visit the Botanical Garden


Throughout the event, Wetland Park Managers from various countries, particularly those newly established, presented their initiatives aimed at enhancing communication, capacity building, education, participation, and awareness within their respective centers.

Field excursion and knowledge sharing at Diyasaru Wetland Park, Colombo


The conference provided a significant forum where managers, NGOs, and stakeholders engaged in fruitful discussions to exchange conservation strategies. These deliberations focused on advancing wetland conservation and sustainable management while emphasizing the importance of enhancing the WLI Asia-Oceania network.

