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Vision and Mission

Wetlands continues to be lost and degraded in South Asia. This makes the region food, water and climate insecure. The existence of diverse life forms which depend on wetlands for sustenance is also threatened.

We are deeply concerned about the impact wetland loss has on nature and the diverse range of nature’s contribution to people. We believe that loss and degradation of wetlands can be halted and reversed if the wide-ranging contributions of these wetlands are recognized and integrated within sectoral policies and programmes.

Our Vision

A world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the resources they provide.

Our Mission

To sustain and restore wetlands, their resources and biodiversity.

Our Strategy

Our Global Strategic Intent (2015-2025) sets out how we work as an organisation.

The South Asia Regional Strategy sets out our targets and priorities in the region.

Wetlands International South Asia Strategy 2015-2025.pdf